So after the big day was was on to the real fun!!

They are out of order, but you get the idea. We went to Victoria, BC and this was the view from our balcony at the English Inn....that place was incredibly beautiful.

This was the ferry ride over to Victoria. Good times playing war, speed, and indian poker!

Brandon and I can never stay away from the kitchen...apparently not even on our honeymoon. We got some fresh salmon from Pike's Market in Seattle. Lucky for us our hotel room came equipped with not only a stove, but never before used pots and pans!! Good thing...we had the best salmon of our lives that night!

We had a lot of fun at the Seattle Aquarium and on top of the Space Needle.

Who said it always rains in Oregon? We had nothing but great weather! Believe it or not, it was raining until the moment we stepped out of the car. The clouds parted and we had a perfect day at Haystack "Goonie" Rock!! The picture below is actually the same day driving along the coast. So beautiful!

It looks like you had a great time. You are so cute! I'm so happy for you guys. I really enjoyed being there your wedding day.
GOONIES ROCK!!!!!!!! I just watched GOONIES on Sat. night with my wife. We love Data.
Katie! congrats on the wedding! and your honeymmon looked great! we live in eugene, or now and was so excited you came to visit the Northwest! its a beautiful place, and you must have lucked out, because the weather usually sucks!
hi katie!
so dont know if you remember me. we were in mission bay together.... like a year ago. i got married in june to landon lines (also in the ward).
i didnt know you were getting married! thats very exciting. congrats. its almost as exciting that you got to go to portland.
well i just wanted to say hi....
so hi.
-kate lines.
I loved looking at all your pictures. Oregon is so awesome, what a great honeymoon?!
cute picks of you two... it was nice chattin with you the other night!!
Looks like you had a fantastic honeymoon!! I didnt know you were going all the way up to Victoria!? How fun.
Seriously I cant wait to see all your wedding pics when we get home, and pics from your roadtrip!
goonies rock! thats amazing, did you happen to see one eyed willy?
You guys are A-DOR!
I'm so jealous, and I hope to spend time with you guys when I come down in no more than THREE WEEKS! I love you guys and I'm so glad you had good weather.
HI! It is so fun to see your married blog! You guys look so happy! How fun! I am so glad you took a long honeymoon - what a great idea. You will never have weeks like that again - so carefree and excited and new! Don't worry, things just keep getting better - but never so new. What fun!
Married??? Congratulations! You guys are so dang cute. I'm so happy for you!
katie- when i told my brother james you were getting married he said "darn." upon asking him why he reacted this way he said, "i always thought katie was beautiful"
Katie, I miss you!! We need to get together sometime! If I'm ever down your way I would love to do lunch sometime! You look so beautiful in your wedding pics, I wish I could have been there! Hope you are doing well, email me sometime, its
KATIE BUG you guys need to post, I need an update. And we miss you guys! Can we hang out soon? We get back next week.
Katie! How the heck are you? Congrats on the too are adorable. It seems like just yesterday we were going to BYU soccer camp and now we're both all GROWN up! Hope you're doing well. Now that I'm a blogger we should stay in touch. It doesn't seem like you go on this much, but hopefully we can talk some time. Tell the family HI for me. Take care
I found a link to your blog when I was on Kathryn's today and I was so excited! I feel caught up with all that has been going on in your life. I got your beautiful wedding invitation but this was great to read more about the two of you. Looks like you found a great catch! Congratulations, Katie. I am so happy for you. You look absolutely stunning in the photos. What a knockout!
Take Care!
Katrina (Farnsworth) Crosby :)
HOLY CRAP! How did I go this long not knowing you guys had a blog. I love the pictures you posted from your honeymoon. You guys make me miss you like crazy. Dangit!
you two look so happy!! Will you guys be around for christmas? Ty and I are coming back on the 19th...we should do dinner or something???
KATIE!!!! Long time no see. You look so beautiful and happy. :)
I love your dress!
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